Formal Education

Monday, August 22, 2011 ·
There are still more common criteria so that the classification that has been discussed above actually included into the special education school. This criteria relates to the notion (definition) education, so there is a clear distinction between the scholastic education (including education therein whose programs are non-formal education and whose programs are informal with school education whose programs are formal).

In this regard Sutjipto (2005) distinguish three types of educational understanding as follows: Formal education is a systematic, structured, multistage, in stages, starting from elementary school through college and comparable to him or her, including to it is the activities-oriented study of academic and general, specialization courses, and professional training, implemented in time continuously. Informal education is a process that berlagsung all ages so that everyone get the values, attitudes, skills and knowledge that comes from everyday life experiences, environmental influences including the influence of family life, relationship with neighbour, work environment, and games, markets, libraries , and the news media.

Non-formal education is any organized and systematic activities, outside the established school system, conducted independently or are part of an important broader activities, made purposely to serve specific learner in achieving learning goals. These three terms above can be used to distinguish the educational programs that include education into each path is. The third is based on the understanding that it is clear that non-formal education is not synonymous with education both formal and informal education.

As the material to analyze the various education programs in the last third of education limits need to be clarified again by using the kreteia that can distinguish between educational programs in non formal education programs yng informal and formal. The difference between educational programs are non-formal and informal can be stated as follows. The former, educational programs are non-formal, have tujuandan organized activities, held in the community environment and instituted the institution, to serve the learning needs of special learners.

While the latter, education programs are informal, not geared to serve the needs of organized learning. The second educational activity is more common, running by itself, takes place mainly in ligkungan family, as well as through mass media, a playground, and so forth. On the other hand, if the activities that include educational programs, informal programnyabersifat is directed to achieve specific learning goals, the activities can be categorized either into educational programs in non-formal education into formal programs.

As an illustration, broadcast radio and television, as one source of information, education and entertainment for the community, who arrived at people's homes at any given moment can be a source of learning in educational programs that are non-formal or formal education programs. For example, a broadcast program or broadcast skills lessons, english lessons, meeting klompecapir, intelligent, meticulous, and so forth, are examples of non-formal education activities for the listeners or viewers, in homes or places, deliberately to follow-siaranitu broadcast periodically or continuously while broadcasting an open university lecture, presented via electronic media (television and radio) and print media, are part of formal educational activities for university students.

As for the listeners or viewers who are not deliberately to perform learning activities through the events before, the yand activities receive messages delivered through mass media is an informal educational events. Similarly, the utilization of sources of information available on ligkunag institution or community such as libraries, museums, board readings, exhibitions, and newspapers are provided for the community, can be a source of learning the formal education programs and programs that are non-formal education when it is specifically integrated into formal education programs and / programs that are non-formal education.

At the third uses the understanding of educators that then the question arises whether the term "education" is a portrait of a place for informal activities?. Next question, rather than use the terms of formal education, "is it not better to use the terms informal activities" to portray the activities that occur seem deliberate or events that occur by chance studying it. To answer the two questions above, it is important to mention here about the meaning of education formulated in the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCE)-Unesco. According to Unesco (1975), "education as organized and sustained comunication designed to bring about learning" (education is as an organized and sustained communication designed to foster learning) Dabbagh (2007).

On the basis of understanding is the main purpose of the organized and continuous communication that is the emergence of learning. Thus the results are tangible process of education, learning activities are presented by students and graduates of educational institutions. Attitudes and behavior learned to not just learn to know something (Learning how to now), but learn to solve problems (learning how to solfe problems), even the most essential is to learn to self-advancement and ligkunganya life (learning to live).

Interpretation of the term organized it did seem a bit cramped when connecting it with pembahasaan on education described herein, because the word "organization" in question is the institution which organizes programs and learning activities in certain situations, and as a lecturer regulate the activities of professional or volunteer to do the communication. Term into the organization that does not include learning activities initiated and held by a person or a group of educators perseta. Education restrictions put forward by UNESCO gave a broad meaning to the process and purpose of communication is organized.

Based on this understanding of the mass media, information agencies, messages, and other learning resources that are available within a society is to foster communication suggestions and learning activities for individuals, groups and communities. To complement the understanding of education as described above where, Sudjana (2001) gives a general limitation that education is the amount of experience with that experience, a person or group of people can understand something before they do not understand.

That experience is due to the interaction between a person or group with ligkunganya. Interactions that lead to process change (learning) in humans and further the process of change that resulted in the development (development) for the life of a person or group in lingkunganya. The learning process that will result in changes in the cognitive (reasoning, interpretation, understanding, and application information), penigkatan competence (intellectual and social skills), and accept consciously sertamemilih of values, attitudes, respect and feeling, and willing to act or respond something stimuli (stimuli). 

The process of change (learning) that can occur with intentional or unintentional. Other views put forward by education. Pengolongan programs into educational activities that include formal, nonformal, and informal by using the criteria of the presence or absence of intention of both parties to communicate, namely the educators (learning resource or facilitator) and the learners (students or residents to learn). Activity characterized by deliberate action from both sides of the educators who deliberately learners, and those learners who deliberately to learn something with guidance, teaching and training of educators, the activities are classified into formal and nonformal education.

 If the intent was only arise on the part of educators to assist learners to obtain a learning experience, while the learners are not deliberately to learn something with the help of educators, the activities are included in my informal education. Similarly, if only the students who bersengaja to learn something with the guidance of an educator while the educator does not intentionally to help learners, then these activities also belong to the informal education. However, if an event occurs without the intention to learn from the educators and the learners, the activities are classified into learning by chance. Critics of this view is that education is a conscious and deliberate effort to prepare students through mentoring, teaching, and / or training for the future perananya (USPN No.2/1989 Article 1 paragraph (1).

 It is not education, if there was no deliberate action, especially on the part of educators. As an example of an event is a train collision with a car. A few minutes after the collision, the train stopped. apai railway officials soon get rid of the car that had been heavily damaged and they mengeluatkan corpses of the passengers from in the car. A person or group of train passengers were involved helping remove the victims. Learned information that the cause of the accident was due to negligence of drivers who disobey traffic signs on the railway track which has been equipped with a doorstop. Although the train was approaching, the driver continues to run. 

Learning events that happened then is that learning is a party or a group of passenger trains. Learning resource is tertabraknya car, killing all its passengers. Contributing factor is the driver of the car that do not obey traffic signs. The process of learning that occurs is a person or a group of train passengers to know the factors that cause accidents. With that experience arose the necessity obey traffic rules, especially if he or they drive a vehicle at the railroad crossing. The learning process in the event is called learning by coincidence (incidental learning). 

Teaching and learning activities organized by a person or an institution the provision of education programs, while on the other hand, a person or group of people just by chance alone to follow the program. For example, a farmer who accidentally woke up at dawn at a time when, an hour earlier than kebiasanya. Every waking up, usually he immediately set the radio to hear the news. But, on the morning broadcast from radio-sounding program of agricultural extension is being discussed as well as farm programs, especially in the way of fertilizing rice paddies. Because he was a farmer then the messages in the event that counseling continue to be followed seriously. 

In this activity, it is known that education is a person or institution that intentionally broadcast to the public agricultural extension, particularly on farm cadets. Learners is a farmer who happened to wake up an hour earlier than kebiasaanya. While learning is the farmers who receive messages about how fertilization both parties, both education and learners. For example, education that intentionally teach students and the students were deliberately to learn from educators (teachers) are school environment. In educational programs outside of school, this intent comes from the educator (facilitator, learning resources) which learners (residents learn) to help them do the learning activities, while students were deliberately to follow the learning activities. Thus the intent of two parties in the process of learning is a central feature of school education and education outside of school. 

Based on the  description above, it is clear that education outside the school and school education have the same general characteristics, namely the deliberate, organized, systemic, and both are sub-systems of the nation's education system. After discussing some sense of education on the question that arises then what is the difference between the school and the education of educators outside the school. The most common way is by comparing the characteristic details of the characteristics of school education outside of school education Sudjana (2001).  

As an illustration, on one hand, education schools have programs that sequentially for each type and level of education and can be applied uniformly in all places that have the same condition. On the other hand, special education schools have programs that are not always fixed and can not always tiered although sequentially, and in penyelengaran program then needs to learn and more attention to local conditions. School education programs have strict uniformity level, while education programs outside of school more berfariasi and spacious. However, the characteristics of school education for the identification of more absolute than the characteristics of education outside of school.
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