Functions and Operations Management System

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 ·
Operation Management Functions 
To carry out the functions of operations, required a series of activities which is a system. There are four main kinds of production functions, namely:
  1. As a process, a technique, a method that is used to process materials 
  2. As the organizing techniques and methods, so the process can be implemented effectively 
  3. As a basis for establishing the material planning 
  4. As the oversight of the intended use of the material.
During its development, the company shifted from its static to dynamic. This property is marked by increasingly heavy use of modern equipment, increasing production yields and quality, development of product design research, and always working with kedinamisan mensejajarkan community, so dikembangkann a dynamic system.

Operations Management System 
The development of the operating management system can be reached by:
  1. Creating new products (product innovation), 
  2. Buy the copyright or by entering into a contract with the outside of the creation of new products, 
  3. Develop existing products (product development).
The system, according to Webster is a collection of elements that regularly depend on each other and constitute a unity. Collection-collection in the system are the factors of production that is man, money, materials, methods and information in the production process can not be separated from one another, so between the components that one with the other components integrated together to achieve goals.In the management system, the position of parallel production system with other systems, namely finance, personnel, marketing, and the environment. So it can be said that the operating system is a collection of activities of planning, implementation, restrictions, control, and decision-making that enables the change process from input to output.

Thus, the nature of the operating system is categorized as:
  1. Properties of simple systems, such as water wheels, 
  2. The nature of complex systems, such as television, and 
  3. The nature of complex systems, like computers,
In general, the system is divided into two kinds, namely:
  1. Deterministic system, yatu operating system that can be predicted with certainty, eg car manufacturing 
  2. Probabilistic systems, ie systems whose operations can be predicted by chance, such as weather.
While the operating system range is categorized into two, namely:
  1. The series, which contained two or more systems, one of which rnerupakan larger system. 
  2. Parallel systems, ie when there are several companies that produce the same goods that appear to be a great system.
If learning more about the system, then the system can be regarded as a set of parts that have links to each other, which together act in a certain pattern on an input with the goal of producing a given output. The system is divided into sub-systems. Each sub-system is interlinked with each other, sub-systems in operations management can be either input, output, quality and quantity planning, control, and supervision, and engineering. If in a system, sub-systems are not interconnected, it will not deliver optimal results. Here is illustrated the role and importance of operations in systems management.

In the picture above we can see the position of operations management as a sub-system parallel to the activities of planning, monitoring and other management functions, namely, marketing, finance, and personnel in determining company policy to achieve the goal. Operations can not be separated from environmental influences.

The process of making goods and services requires a transformation of resources into goods and services. The more efficient firms are able to do the transformation, the more productive and value added to goods and services produced is higher. Productivity (productivity) is the ratio between output (goods and services) divided by input. The task is to improve the operations manager of the comparison between input and output. Increasing productivity means increasing efficiency.

Increased productivity can be done in two ways, namely:
  1. Input reduction at a constant output
  2. Increased output at constant input.
Production is the process of making goods and services. Production rate may reflect that more people are working and high levels of employment (low unemployment), but not necessarily reflects the high productivity. Only by increasing productivity, living standards could be improved. Furthermore, this is only with increased productivity, labor, investors, and management can receive a larger income. If labor, capital and management to increase without any increase in productivity, then the price will be expensive. On the other hand, prices are forced down while productivity meniingkat, because more products are made, with the same resources.
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