Starting Produce Strategy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 ·
Now we know the life cycle of a product, the manufacturer will know when it is appropriate to begin production, namely: 
1. First in Last out: 
Manufacturers produce goods that did not previously exist and remain on the market until the stage of deterioration, eg PERUMKA, Pawnshops, and taps.
2. First in First out: 
Manufacturers producing goods began in the introduction and ceases at maturity, this is done to anticipate the benefits diminishing returns. Eg product brand Casio watches are always issued the latest fashions.
Last in Last out: 

Manufacturers producing at the growth stage, and exit the market at the stage of decline. The resulting product usually has a cycle bidup length so that the production is done as efficiently as possible, large volume, and technology high a price as low as possible. The goal is to save costs introductions.

The traditional approach to product development outlined in the departments working under the organization's management. Departments are as follows:
  1. Department of research and development (R & D), assigned to conduct research related to the product to be produced
  2. Engineering department, responsible for designing the product 
  3. Manufacturing engineering department, tasked to design a product that can be produced 
  4. Production department, in charge of producing products that have passed the test on the previous department.
The advantages of this approach is the existence of duties and responsibilities that remain from each department. While weakness is the lack of thought in the future in terms of how the departments under it in the process of dealing with concepts, ideas, and designs are presented, and ultimately the opinions of the customers of the resulting product.

The second approach is to assign a production manager for the winning products through a system of product development and related organizations. While the third product development approach is to use teams, known as the product development team, design team for the ability to produce, and tin value engineering. 

1. Product development team
Product development team responsible for the changing market demand into a product that can achieve success for new products. The team consists of representatives from the marketing, production, purchasing, quality assurance, and field service employees. Can also be included providers of goods and services. The task is a product development team to create a successful product or service, that can be marketed (marketability), can be produced (manufacturability), and the ability to perform services (serviceability). 

2. Thorough engineering

 In a thorough engineering, the company uses a team representing all areas that affect or are known as cross-functional teams. Concurrent engineering showed a more rapid product development through simultaneous performance of various aspects of product development. The use of teams participating in the activities of design and engineering.

The ability to manufacture and value engineering (manufacturability and value engineering) take into account improvements in the design and specification phases of product development from research, development, design, and production. In addition to real cost reductions are directly visible, so that goods can be produced design and value engineering also produces other benefits, including:
  1. Reducing product complexity
  2. Standardization of additional components
  3. Improvement of functional aspects of products 
  4. Improving job design and job security 
  5. The design is tough.
The ability to manufacture and value engineering is the best alternative in production to avoid the cost of the operations management. This can result in increased value by focusing to achieve the functional specifications needed to meet customer needs in an optimum manner. Value engineering program, if managed effectively, can reduce costs between 15% to 70% without any reduction in quality. Product design affects all aspects of operational expenses. Therefore, the development process needs to ensure a thorough evaluation of the design before committing to manufacture.
Some important techniques in designing a product is as follows: 
1. Design a robust (robust design)

Robust design means a design that can be produced according to demand, although the conditions are not sufficient in the production process.

2. The modular design 
In modular design, parts or components of a product dinbagi into components that can easily be exchanged or replaced. The modular design offers flexibility in production and marketing. In this way, will make product development, production, and subsequent changes easier. For marketing departments, this will help provide a way for customer satisfaction.

3. Computer aided design

4. Designing with the help of computers is the use of computers to design products interactively and prepare technical documentation.
 In this way the used CAD software, which designed the three-dimensional image. With this software designer can save time and money by shortening product development cycles. The speed and ease with special designs can be manipulated, analyzed, and modified. Faster development of better products, the flow of information to another department to be more accurate, thus saving the cost of the design. Some of the floating of Computer aided design is:a. Design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA), which focuses on the influence of design on the assembly. This software can allow the designer to melihatt impact on the design of the production process of a product.

b. Modeling objects in three dimensional (3-D object modeling), this technology, particularly useful for the development of a small prototype. Modeling three-dimensional objects can quickly build models of the lining material for the synthesis of highly tpis evaluated. Technologist is to accelerate the design development process by ignoring the long production process.

c. Standard for the Exchange of Product Data (STEP). STEP made manufacturer can claim the product of three dimensions in a standard format, so the data can be dipertukartan internationally, making the producers who are geographically separated can integrate design, production, and supporting processes.

5. Computer aided manufacturing 
Production with the help of computer refers to the use of special computer programs to guide and control the production equipment. Information from CAD to CAM is translated into commands. The advantages of CAD and CAM are: 
a. Product quality.
CAD makes the designer can investigate more alternatives, possible problems, and dangers that may occur. 
b. Shorter design time.
Shorter design phases led to the cheaper and causes rapid response to the market. 
c. Reduction of production costs.
Reduction of inventory costs, more efficient use of employees with better scheduling, and implementation of design changes more quickly, all of which can reduce costs. 
d. Data availability.
Consolidation of accurate product data, so that everyone operates with the same information, could result in enormous cost reductions. 
e. New capabilities.
The ability to play and describe objects in three dimensions, check clearance, connecting components and enhancements, improve the use of a controlled machine tools are numeric so it presents a new ability production. CAD CAM can eliminate quite a lot of detailed work, so the designer can concentrate on conceptual aspects and imagination as the main tasks of product design.
6. Virtual reality technology 
This technology is a form of communication in the display where the image replaces reality and usually the user can respond interactively. 
7. Value analysis 
Value analysis (value analysis) focuses on improving the design before the product is produced. Analysis of the value of trying to fix the car auntuk lebiih produce a good product. Inni analysis is the study of a successful product that performed during the production process.

8. Environmentally friendly designs
Environmentally friendly design should mempertmbangkan two issues, namely 
a. Looked at the impact of product design from a systematic point of view, ie looking at products in terms of its impact on the overall economy. 
b. Considering the product life cycle, from raw materials, installation, use, to disposal. The goal is to reduce the environmental impact of a product in his entire life. The purpose of this strategy is 
  1. Develop products that are safer and environmentally friendly 
  2. Minimize the waste of raw materials and energy
  3. Differentiating the product from the competition
  4. Reduce environmental liability will issue
  5. Increase the cost effectiveness of compliance with environmental regulations
  6. To be known as a good company.
The concept of the production of environmentally friendly (green manufacturing) is to create environmentally friendly products through efficient processes so it can be a profitable business. Some things you can do the manufacturers to produce products llingkungan friendly are: 
  1. Creating a product that can be recycled 
  2. Using the raw materials that can be recycled
  3. Using a component that does not endanger
  4. Using a lighter components
  5. Using less energy 
  6. Using fewer raw materials.
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