Understanding of Quality

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 ·
Quality is very important for an organization, be it non-educational organizations and educational organizations. Quality itself has various meanings, as suggested by some experts the following: According to Juran in M. N. Nasution (2001), matches the quality of a product is the use of the product (fitness for use) to meet customer needs and satisfaction.

Crosby in M. N. Nasution (2001) states that quality is conformance to requirements, ie in accordance with the requirements or standardized. A product has a quality in accordance with our quality standards have been determined. The quality standards include raw materials, production processes and finished products.

Another opinion by Stanley Sutrisno (2010:8) the quality is "fit between the products or services produced by organizations with requirements or criteria established by the customer." Meanwhile, the National Standardization Agency (BSN) (2008) defines quality as the degree achieved by the characteristics inherent in meeting the requirements.
Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that the quality of the fit between the products produced with the desired requirements of the customer so that customer satisfaction can be realized.

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